sukshmananda swami
''.There are different types of ambitions and additions in the air. But nothing is tangible.''
Harikumar wrote.
This kind of knowing and feeling is very evident in his works, mainly in his column AKSHARA JAALAKAM'
I think that by criticising the myriad aspects of our life , he has broken the old intellectual conservative acceptablity of the accademic thoughts.
I think by criticising the traditional ways of thinking, especially in the interior mechanism of making ideas , we are used to experience all forms of art, but a lot of it has to be replaced.
It is possible only by this brave attempt to think as a free man .
It is the relevance and significance of Harikumar.
I have great trust in him.
Harikumar's talks and his writings are very organic and sincere.
He has a profound knowledge of discovering things and meanings in the pursuit of Truth.
We all know every walks of life is now rapidly becoming inorganic and artificial .It is a continuous process of compromise and surrender.
It is a feeling of synthetic and superficial touch.
As a writer Harikumar is totally different from this in more than one way.
He is so simple, at the sametime very profound.
Similarly, his concern to this world and to the other world is very much sane and very balanced.
It is laudable.
I cannot ignore the liberative effect in his writings.The essential part of it is a new invention of human vision and future.
The present scenario in the world of writing is not much encouraging, a visible poverty of insights and lack of grand new perceptions seems to be one of the many reasons for this retarded like situation in our literature.
Harikumar is a rare exemption and he is able to address this retardedness and capable to give assistance to the liberating process.
In order to go beyond the retardations , let's listen to him to know in the way how he deals it.
Read his poem
Oh, sunset why are you in grief?
Have the primitive times
wept about us?
No, never.
Because we have been
flag bearers
of primordial
Then, why sunset, you are in grief?
Is it true grief?
Or are you in moments of prayer

within the miniscule,
surreptitious molecules
assembled within
your heart?
Why your color-changes
are so momentous?
Oh how aged are
the sobs
that you carry within
The chronology
of memoirs
in which human
souls stroll:
The pictures you
painted with
ancient myths.
An anonymous
voice from somewhere
asks "why you are
in chronic grief?"
It spreads like a
shooting pain
from deep within.
You are the sole
witness t o all
the lust, passion
and orgasmic
Life drenched
in dreams
withers on the way side.
As you chant
mutely the vedic mantras
they turn into a collage
of portraits true to life
A breeze gives wings
to the broken pieces
of the past
The grief of the
sundown turns
into immortal
temptations of
dried up by oceans.
The distressin g repetition
of romantic images;
You always flee;
your journey itself
is your doom;
Your entire words are
just statutes of beauty
which helps you to hide
from haunting
Are you putting
out the fire of
our sexual passions?
They were just within
our grasp,
but shattered
during th e sky-splitting
festival fireworks.
Why are you silent
even to miserable
lovebirds like
the two of us?
The voluminous
and depressing
color schemes
in your silence-
Are they your
creative self or not?
Why do you
gather strands of darkness
and bring them back always?
What is there
in your eyes?
Are they
of beauty
by history?
Are you letting your
silence devour the
agony and ecstasy
of others?
Oh, sunset why are
you knitting
the night clouds?
Will you le nd
your garments
to cover my nudity?
The paddy fields
celebrate your gloom.
Are you packing off those
who lost their
smiles in the streets
blanketed by blood?
An axe is heading
towards you;
Are you going to hide
once again in the echoing
spiritual hymns
mounting from within
the temple walls?
Who accompanies you
in the journey across
unknown galaxies?
Birds or bird flights?
We are degenerating everyday by using the superficial art and its many manifestations.
We are misguided and misled by these propaganda.
Some people determine the worst thing as super, then many people come forward and try to establish this.
Here, Harikumar makes a different way to feel one's own inner state .
His notion of writings is changed much.
He can nurture the freedom of thought in all respects.
If one can experience the freedom of contemplation , he can attain the supreme reality.
We are chained in our thoughts.
So we have to free ourselves.
That Harikumar does.
Gathering the facts of knowing and acquiring the inner depths is more difficult.
Our literary scene is lacking a deep understanding of the contemporary world view.
Instead Harikumar treats every bit of knowledge as a ladder to enter in the more sensible awareness of the universe.
Here thoughts have no rest.
It is endless.
1 comment:
What is there
in your eyes?
Are they
of beauty
by history?
wonderful lines
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