critic, columnist, journalist, poet, novelist, philosopher, theorist,short-story writer and orator/- സാഹിത്യമല്ലാത്തതായി ഈ ലോകത്ത് യാതൊന്നും തന്നെയില്ല .ഒരു പക്ഷിയുടെ കരച്ചിൽ പോലും സാഹിത്യമാണ്. ആ കരച്ചിലിലുള്ളത് ശബ്ദമാണ്. ശബ്ദം ഒരാഖ്യാനമാണ്. ആഖ്യാനം അർത്ഥത്തെയാണ് തേടുന്നത്. ആ ശബ്ദം കേൾക്കുന്ന ഓരോ വ്യക്തിക്കും കവിക്കും എഴുത്തുകാരനും അതിൻ്റെ നരേറ്റീവ് ഓരോന്നാണ്. അങ്ങനെയത് സാഹിത്യമായിത്തീരുന്നു. അതേസമയം അത് മൂന്നാം കണ്ണിന്റെ വിവരണവുമാണ്.-എം കെ ഹരികുമാർ / pho:9995312097 harikumarm961@yahoo.com
Friday, March 28, 2008
ആ മഴ

Thursday, March 27, 2008

പ്രാകൃത ഗോത്രങ്ങളുടെ ലിപികള്
ഒരു പുരാതന ഭീതിയോടെയും
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ഒരു ദിവസം മുഖം കഴുകി
നമ്മുടെ മുമ്പില് വരുന്നു.
ഒട്ടും വേദനിക്കരുതെന്ന്
അതു പറയും.
എല്ലാ നിമിഷങ്ങളും
നിനക്കുള്ളതാണെന്ന സന്ദേശമാണത്.
ഏതോ കാലത്തില്നാം അഴിച്ച് പണിയുന്ന
ജീവിതങ്ങള് ഒരു ചിന്തയാണ്.
ചിലപ്പോള്, മറക്കുന്നതോടെ
നാം വേഗം പുതിയതാകുന്നു.
പുതുമ മനസ്സിലാണ്.
ആരോടും ഒന്നും
ബാക്കിവയ്ക്കാതിരിക്കുമ്പോഴാണ് ആ പുതുമ.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
ഈ കടുവകള്

ആ കടുവകള്
Thursday, March 20, 2008
'വ്യാജ ആധുനികത'20 mar

കടുവ ഇക്കാലത്ത്
നല്ലത് എന്ന് ചിന്തിച്ച്
കടുവകള് ഓരോന്നായി
മൃഗ ശാല അന്വേഷിച്ച്
വരാന് തുടങ്ങി.
അപ്രസക്തമായ ഒരു കാലത്ത്
കൂട്ടമായി കൂടുകളെ
തിരക്കിപ്പോകുന്നതാണ് പുരോഗമനപരം.
കടിക്കാതെയും അലറാതെയും
പുതിയ ഒരു വര്ഗം ആകാന്
ഇന്നത്തെ വാര്ത്ത!.
ഭക്ഷണത്തിലും ഉറക്കത്തിലും
അവ പുതിയ ശീലങ്ങള് നേടി.
കൊച്ചുകുട്ടികളോടും കളിതമാശകള്
പറഞ്ഞ് തങ്ങള് പുതിയ
ഒരു വര്ഗ്ഗമാണെന്ന് അവ
സ്വയം തെറ്റിദ്ധരിപ്പിച്ചു.
കുട്ടികള് വായിലേക്ക് കൈ
കുത്തിയിറക്കിയാലും അവ
പകരം കുഴഞ്ഞു ചിരിച്ചു.
കടുവകള്ക്കിപ്പോള് ഇല്ലാത്ത തമാശകള്
കണ്ടെത്താനാണ് മല്സരം.
സ്വയമൊരു തമാശപ്പിണ്ഡം ആണെന്ന്
സുഖകരമായ ആത്മരതിയില്ലെന്ന്
അവ വലിയതോതില് കണ്ടെത്തി.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
ഉത്തര- ഉത്തരാധുനികത 19 mar

ഒരു വിതാനമാണ്.
ഇന്നലെത്തെ മഴയുടെ
കരിയിലകള് ചീഞ്ഞ് ചീര്ത്ത
പൊന്തക്കാടുകളിന് നിന്നാണ്
അത് ഒരു വിധം തലനീട്ടി
വന്ന ഉടനെ
അത് ഫുള് വോള്ട്ടേജില്തന്നെ
ഇനിയും മഴയുടെ ചാഞ്ഞുള്ള
പറക്കലില് തന്റെ ചിറകുകള്
ഒടിയുമോയെന്ന് അതിന്
കിട്ടിയ സമയം അത് ശരിക്കും കൊത്തി -
പകലിന് ഒരു അക്യുപംക്ച്ര്
ചികില്സ തന്നെ നടത്തി.
ജീവിക്കാനും വിരിയാനും
എന്തു കൊതിയാണ് ഈ വെയിലിന്!.
ആധുനികതയെ ഭയന്ന്
ഉത്തരാധുനികതയെ ഭയന്ന്
വെയില് സ്വയം വെളിവാക്കിയില്ലെങ്കിലും
ഒരു റ്റി വി ചാനലിന്റെ റിയാലിറ്റി ഷോയ്ക്ക്
എസ്. എം എസ് അയച്ച് വെയില് താന് ജീവിച്ചതിന് തെളിവ് കണ്ടെത്തി.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
കിളികള് പാടുന്നില്ല 13 mar
കിളികള് ഒന്നും പാടുന്നില്ല.
കിളികളെ ക്കൊണ്ട്
പാടിക്കേണ്ടത് നമ്മുടെ അജണ്ടയാണ്.
ഒരു ഊര്ജ്ജം ,
എന്ന നിലയില് വരുന്നത്
പാട്ടായി മാറുകയാണ്.
ചില വേളകളില്, ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ
നാം പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കുന്ന
ഭ്രാന്തമായ ശബ്ദങ്ങള് സംഗീതമായി
ഏത് വിഡ്ഢിയും
അത് ആസ്വദിക്കും;മാര്ക്കിടും!.
പുഴു 13 mar
ഒരു നേരത്തെ മരണം കൊണ്ട്
ഒരു പുഴു ഇല്ലാതാക്കുന്നത്
അനേകം മരണങ്ങളാണ്.
ഭൂമിയുമായുള്ള മമതയുടെ
അപാരമായ ആനന്ദം നമ്മേക്കാള്
എത്രയോ ഇരട്ടിയായിരിക്കും,
ഒരു പുഴുവിന്റേത്?
അത് ആ ആഹ്ളാദത്തിന്റെ
ലഹരിയില് ഒന്നും മിണ്ടുന്നില്ല.
മിണ്ടിയാല് മുറിയുന്നത്
ഭൂമിയുമായുള്ള വിലപ്പെട്ട
അതി തീവ്രമായ
മനസ്സിന്റെ ഒട്ടിപ്പിടിത്തം
നമ്മള് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുമ്പോള്പുഴു
എന്നേക്കുമായുള്ള ഒരു മരണത്തെയാണ്
ഒരിക്കല്മാത്രം കിട്ടുന്ന ഭൂമിയെ
എത്ര കഠിനമാണ്.
താന് മരിക്കുന്നില്ല എന്ന വിശ്വാസമാണ്
പുഴുവിന് ജീവിക്കാന് നല്ലത്.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
ദുബായിയില് മരങ്ങള്6 mar

ദുബായിയില് എന്റെ കോടി മരങ്ങള് പദ്ധതിയുടെ ഭാഗമായി മരങ്ങള് നട്ടൂ. ദുബായ് മുനിസിപ്പാലിറ്റിയാണ് ആതിഥ്യം നല്കിയതു. ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി ദുബായിയില് ഒരു ഇന്റര്നറ്റ് മാഗസിനില് വന്ന വാര്ത്ത വായിക്കുക.
original news:http://www.ameinfo.com/105678.html
M K Harikumar plants a sapling near Media City.
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Famous Malayalam literary critic, poet and journalist M K Harikumar was in Dubai to spread the idea of his mission 'Ten million trees across the world.' He planted a few saplings near the Media City in coordination with the Public Parks and Horticulture Department of Dubai Municipality. Dubai Municipality officials present at the simple ceremony said the civic body will give further boost to Harikumar's idea of ten million saplings. Ahmed AbdulKarim, Director of Public Parks and Horticulture Department said the Municipality, which is in the process of turning 8% of the city area green as per the international norms, would like support any movement towards creating more green areas. 'We believe that Harikumar's idea of ten million saplings will help create awareness among the local residents towards the necessity of planting more and more trees for the generations to come,' he said. Harikumar said he has taken a plunge to this campaign for a childhood pledge, taking a break from the rigours of routine work to spearhead the challenge of reclaiming the world's green cover. 'This is my first tree planting outside India where I have completed planting 5,000 trees in different states with the help of social organizations and NGOs,' he said. When Harikumar was in college in Kerala, he recalls a fascination for trees and regaling in nature's bounty. 'I would turn to the leaves for my bookmarks and this gave me immense thrill. Back home everyone shared the same love for nature and this in many ways helped us bond as a family. I guess it also contributed to my passion for writing,' he said. A post graduate in Economics from Nirmala College Muvattupuzha, Kerala, Harikumar said it is his writings that have taken the centre stage and helped him move up the ladder to be the bureau chief of a leading Malayalam Daily, poet and writer with eight books to his credit. But today he is a worried man. The onslaught on the environment not only in his own state Kerala, the 'God's own country' but across other states like Karnataka and worldwide torment him a great deal. The journo turned environmentalist was in the city to kick-start a campaign of gigantic proportions spread across six continents besides seeking space to fulfill a unique venture. Harikumar said his dream got off to the best possible start outside India. 'On my part as a global crusader, I will promote environmental conservation by creating awareness amongst students on the importance of planting trees as well as taking good care of them. This is a symbolic beginning,' he said. Harikumar understands this will be a different beat all together. 'It is not going to be just a pledge. This is something I have always dreamed of as a child and am happy it is becoming a reality. The campaign is not just going to help, protect the environment but should spur others to contribute their might in safeguarding the environment,' he said. Harikumar said to realize his goal, he is taking a break from his work and much of his writings will take a backseat. 'This phase of the agenda focuses on the planting of indigenous trees on public lands to enhance the impact of environmental conservation,' he said. Interestingly, Harikumar is not banking on Government but a strong network of friends of the environment. 'I will cultivate through the years in across various cultures, cities and countries. A host of individuals and institutions have made a commitment to see this venture through. What I am seeking is the space to plant the trees, nothing more,' he said. Speaking on the importance of such a measure, the soft-spoken environmental crusader shared his views on the global state of the environment. 'We are today witnessing a wanton destruction of green cover and this is not good for the present and future generations. We can rectify the mistakes that we have committed in the past by putting curbs on felling of trees and then make genuine attempts as a remedy through planting trees,' said Harikumar. His modus operandi is simple. With ten million trees to be planted across six continents as the target, to begin he will first seek for land to plant the saplings. Once this is done, he will then acquire the saplings/trees and elicit a commitment from those involved to be the custodians of the trees once they are planted. Places of worship, public spaces such as parks and educational establishments, schools, colleges etc. will be the most sought after avenues. The venture commenced in Dubai will spread across the GCC states before taking-off worldwide. Initially, the focus is on indigenous trees to enhance the impact of environmental conservation. However there is no preferred species although fast growing trees suited for public spaces will take prominence. According to Harikumar the campaign is another addition to the efforts being made to conserve bio-diversity, enhance natural beauty and prevent soil erosion. 'I believ
e every country must sustain life naturally - forest cover affects the availability of the rain, availability of underground water, soil fertility, clean air and the beauty of the landscape,' he said.
ഒരു കോടി മരങ്ങള് ലോകത്തിന്6 mar

മന്ത്രി ബിനോയ് വിശ്വം ആലുവയില് രണ്ടുവര്ഷം മുമ്പ് ആദ്യ മരത്തൈ നടുന്നു
ഞാന് ആരണ്യകത്തിന്റെ നേതൃത്വത്തില് ആരംഭിച്ച ഒരു കോടി മരങ്ങള് ലോകത്തിന് പദ്ധതി ഇപ്പോഴും നടക്കുന്നു.ഇന്ത്യക്ക് പുറത്ത് ആദ്യമരം നട്ടത് ദുബായിലാണ്. ഇതിന് ആതിഥ്യം നല്കിയത് ദുബായ് മുനിസിപ്പാലിറ്റിയാണ്.
ഒരു പത്രപ്രവര്ത്തക നടത്തിയ അഭിമുഖം ഇവിടെ പുനപ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കയാണ്.ഓരോ സ്ഥലത്തും മരങ്ങള് നടാനും ആരണ്യകവുമായി സഹകരിക്കാനും താല്പര്യമുള്ളവരെ ഞാന് തേടുന്നു.
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Trees are Living Gods!
This interview is the synopsis of the long talk Mr K Santhosh Kumar, Editor, Saturday Digest, had with Mr Harikumar in Kochi.
Harikumar, now that you have resigned from your full time job as a journalist, don't you feel it a mistake that you have committed? No. Instead I feel I did the right thing. I would have resigned before. In fact I have more time now to pursue my passions than before. I get plenty of time to write as well. In fact I am working on three books that is to be published by January 2007. To be frank with you, I repent for the precious time I lost in the crap of a newspaper.Tell me, you said about your passions. What are your passions?
Trees are my passion. I always dream of trees. I have a peculiar attachment to trees. As a schoolboy I used to carry a lot of leaves in between the pages of my notebook, so that I always felt the presence of something I loved most. This love has grown into a big dream today, and when I was working in the newspaper, I have to keep this dream away in some hidden cells in my heart. Now I took it our and polished in such a way that I am into a mission of planting One Crore Trees across all the nations in the world.
Is it something like "forestation"?
You may think so, and many like you do think this as such. In fact planting one crore saplings across the six continents is not a simple joke and neither it is a silly job. In fact it is NOT as you put it. It is more than that. Can you explain it?
I call my dream-project "Aaranyakam". Simply put, it is a Sanskrit word that connotes something related with forests or trees. In ancient India, all "guru kulams" were amid thick forests and were invariably surrounded by woods. From this "gurukulams", a lifestyle of ancient sages was developed that in turn gave birth to our Vedas and traditions of knowledge. All this, of course, was influenced by the woods around them. A kind of "Aaranyakam" thus evolved.Is Aaranyakam a conventional process of planting trees everywhere?
No. A lot depends on how you look at the process of planting saplings somewhere. Anyone can plant a sapling and leaving it on its own from the next moment. People seldom care a jungle tree or any tree for that matter. With this project, I plan to plant any tree. And I am not going to leave them on its own afterwards. I would like people to care them like a child till it is grown. I also will see that the trees planted under this project are not cut down for nasty human needs. Any tree planted anywhere in this world under this project Aaranyakam would be documented properly and a database will be created. After a few years from now anyone can ask for any data about a tree thus planted under Aaranyakam.
Sounds interesting, but why this kind of care for a tree that is planted in some remote corner of the earth?
My approach to a tree is quite peculiar because I see a lot of meanings in the existence of a tree. Normally everyone could not fathom what I mean. Not a single individual could look at a tree as I look at it. That is why I keep a documented record of each and every tree that is planted under this Project. For this I have already launched a website too. This website will have a Tree Map and a Database. Both the Tree Map and Database are the evidences for the implementation of "Aaranyakam". Anyone in the world can access the Tree Map or Database at any time and find the history of a sapling that was planted not only in his country but in any country in this world. .
Can you explain why you record all details about a planted sapling?
First, I want to make Project Aaranyakam world's first ever project of its kind with complete statistical data of each sapling planted till this date anywhere in this world. Then only environmentalists or nature lovers will listen to this global movement. Mind you, then only any international environment organizations or WWF or UNESCO etc would listen to Aaranyakam and watch where it is going. Second, I said my love of trees is like how I love another human being. Do you love another human being if you do not know him at all? This is a sensitive issue as it is. But it is here that my vision about this Project Aaranyakam snugly fits in.
Please elaborate on this vision?
Just look at a tree. It takes the sun, rain, wind, and all the climatic changes silently and still continues to grow, at the same time giving shelter, shade and protection to many animals and birds. It has no demands or complaints of any sort. It stands there tall as a symbol of universal selfless love. That is how I look at any tree. And that is why I love a tree. So when I plant a sapling today, it is going to be there tomorrow, even after my death, still giving shelter and shade to many human beings, animals and birds etc. If they bear fruit, anyone can pluck it and eat them. A Tree do not complain. It gives you all that it has FREE. It seldom asks anything from you in return at all. So a tree is like a God for me. A God never asks anyone for anything or complain about any one to his favourite worshipper. A God is not partial. So is a tree. I hope you understand what I mean.And where does this Project Aaranyakam fits in?
Project Aaranyakam is depicting this message of universal love that a tree exhibits and my vision about it. That is how I look at this mission of planting a crore trees across the oceans..So Aaranyakam is more a symbolic project than a scientific project?
It is both symbolic and scientific. Environmentalists and nature lovers would uphold the science behind making the earth greener. I try to find a genuine reason to plant a tree and show myself what I can do for the future generations. I am not an advocate of mysticism or symbolism, neither an advocate of science. Science is reality. Symbolism is a short cut to attribute ones vision into a representative object. To me a TREE is a representative object of the whole Nature.
Tell me do you inculcate a culture of planting trees for the coming generation?
Every culture mankind practices has some principles anchored into them. Planting a tree can be developed as a culture than a formal custom. For that you should know WHY you plant a tree. And also you must be motivated enough to attain a stage of humbleness. Once you develop to that level naturally and automatically you find no meaning in many things we do in our life. Moreover you find your past life as a net total of stress, worries, tensions, unwanted commitments etc. The life you lived so far suddenly becomes a thing of the past than a stepping-stone to the future. When you take up tree planting as a part of your daily life, it becomes your second nature. You need to give it a lot of deliberate thinking before taking it up as a "must do" for you. I would love this mission develop into as a part of one's culture. I do not find anything wrong with it.
Who do you like to come up with a willingness to associate in your mission?
I do not invite or force anyone to associate with me. I wish those who can understand my vision in its full worth can associate with this project. Only such people could sponsor this. In fact I am looking for sponsorship to my project from anyone who can realize and understand the meaning of this project. I know it is hard to come by as any involvement in this would bring no fame or publicity for the sponsor.I heard that you have already launched this project in Kerala State, India.
Where do you like to start this project next?
I have already launched it in a humble way in Aluva, near to my hometown, on the banks of river Periyar. Immediately after that the first ever module of 1000 saplings has started in Bangalore, in a most beautiful academic premises I have ever seen in my life.
What kind of trees you plan to plant in the Gulf?
I am not particular about the types of trees. I believe palm trees are the best suited for the Middle East climate. I would plant 1000 palm trees as modules in each gulf nation.
When do u begin the Project in the Gulf?
Incidently, I have already launched the Project in Dubai with the kind help of Dubai Municipality. But that was a small effort, of course. I am looking out for solid sponsors to help Aaranyakam take roots in the Gulf region. As soon as I get a sponsor who can afford our, mine and my Project Officer's, accommodation, travel and food there for three months. Mind you, we will visit all the seven nations in the Middle East region, and plant 10000 trees in total within three months.
Do you plan anything else other than planting trees while you travel all over the globe?
During this mission I get more time than I had in my life as a journalist in Kerala. More time means I can write more. I plan a research book on Khalil Gibran, and a metaphysical study of the Desert and a novel too. A new publishing company from the Gulf will publish both books in English. I do not want to reveal who they are right now.How do you meet the expenses involved in implementing this project all over the world?
We came into this world as a helpless child with no money. But we lived on and on and we earned and spend too. My trust in God will see that my vision is materialized somehow.
Such is my faith and optimismWhat do you find as the most difficult aspect in implementing the one crore trees project?
Finding a suitable spot to plant a three-inch high sapling is the most difficult aspect I have found so far. I can easily find one crore saplings, but not enough space to plant them. Land is dearer than life here. Those who have land think that they would take this land with them when they go away from this world. That is why land has become more dearer than life.
How can you then find 250 acres of land to plant your symbolic forest of trees from all the world?
I am sure if I can complete this one crore trees project as I planned, I can get this piece of land as a donation from any nation. It would be the property of that nation and my symbolic forest would grow there.Is Aaranyakam the name of your symbolic forest?
Yes. I cannot find a better name that conveys a universal feeling. Aaranyakam is anybody's not mine alone. Aaranyakam stands for selfless love and global peace. Every one can hear what global peace is. But seldom one understands selfless love. That is why Aaranyakam becomes more important a project as it is as a symbol of "selfless love".You said in the beginning that a tree is more than just a tree for you. Can you take me deep into your vision?
There is nothing complex in my vision. Look at the Nature. Nature is omnipotent and omnipresent. You cannot control Nature, but it controls you. A tree is a pocket edition of Nature. You cannot control the growth of a tree, but you can kill the tree. And a tree can influence your existence. The trees control the very climatic condition of our nature. Science has proved it beyond any doubt. I believe that a tree has a religion of its own. It practices that religion and we are beneficiaries. After all every religion speaks of selfless love. The trees do practice the same without our knowing. They take the brunt of nature and protect animals and man by giving us shade and shelter and food and in fact themselves.
Which part of a tree is unusable for man or animal
That is why I said a tree is selfless and generous. Every religion preaches us to do the same things. But we do not do as it says. But a tree does it. All trees do it. That make me think and believe that they do have a "religion" of their own, which man should understand and recognize. I see a lot of things beyond our imagination in the life of a tree. I told you just one example now. So Aaranyakam stands for selfless love. Once love is there, peace follows. That is my vision of Aaranyakam. It is my mission to make others know of it. That is what exactly it is. Is it hard to mix your "vision of life" with the "mission of life"?
Once you understand what is what, both seem the two sides of a same coin. One is a purpose, and the other is a method to reach your goal. A vision is endless, where as a mission can end abruptly. I want the whole world must recognize the vision behind Aaranyakam. I want every nation should help me carryout my mission till one crore trees are planted from corner to corner of this planet earth.
Can I say your God is "tree"?
I am happy if you say so. Because no quarrels or war break out in the name of my God, tree. No crusades will happen anymore in the name of a tree. No politics or any other religion work dirty tricks in the name of a tree. No terrorism will be there in the name of a tree. Can you imagine one quarrelling in the name of a tree with another ? Remember no tree has an enemy. Only man has an enemy. So it is better to worship a tree than a God created by the man for the man and of the man. One more thing makes the tree important to me. A tree never dies. It grows and grows throughout its life. Whereas a man or an animal stops growing after some biological stage. A tree cannot copy a man or an animal into its life. Still it lives uniquely different than man or animal. A tree drinks, eats, reproduces, and expresses its own moods as the Nature around it changes. But they do it entirely different than a man or an animal. That is what exactly made me LOVE the tree more. My love is a passion, a burning passion. Only those who can understand the underlying meanings of all that I have told you will realize the worth of this project Aaranyakam.
What message do you like to give to the world, Harikumar?
Find a place to plant a tree and have a room in your heart for another human being. By loving a tree, you love your posterity without your own knowing. So plant a sapling for Aaranyakam, and help me spread Aaranyakam everywhere.
ചില്ലകള്ക്ക് മാത്രം6 mar
എല്ലാ ചില്ലകളും
കാറ്റ് വരാന് നോക്കിയിരിക്കുകയാണ് ഒടിയാന്.
പുതിയ ചില്ലകള് ഒടിയുന്നത് മരത്തിനും,
കാറ്റിനും രസമാണ്.
എല്ലാ കാറ്റുകളും
ചില പ്രത്യേകതരം ശബ്ദ്ങ്ങള് പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കും.
മാറിക്കോ മാറിക്കോ
പുരാതന കേരളീയ ശൈലിയില് അല്ല,
ഇതാഞാന് വരുന്നു, ഇപ്പോള് മാത്രമാണ് ജീവിതം എന്ന അര്ത്ഥത്തില്.
കാറ്റ് അര്ത്ഥമല്ല;
കാറ്റിനെന്തിനാണ് അത്?
ചില്ലകല് മറ്റൊരു മനശാസ്ത്രമാണ്.
ജീവിതത്തില് പിന്തിരിഞ്ഞു
നോക്കാന് ഒന്നുമില്ലെന്നു അതു പറയും!.